An IVA may not be suitable in all circumstances.

Fees apply to the service, click here for more details. Your credit rating may be affected. Read more about IVAs here.


The information on this page concerns the usage of this website only.

We’re working to make as accessible as possible for users. To help us, we follow guidelines recommended to us by various institutes and impaired users.

We aim for to be compatible with recent versions of commonly used:

  • Portable document format (PDF) files
  • Documents on our website are published in PDF format. To access them you need Adobe Acrobat Reader software which is available free of charge from the Adobe website.

Alternative formats

All our publications are available to download online. If you would like an alternative format, please call 0161 233 6927 email or write to:

Financial Support Systems,
Bridgewater House,
58-60 Whitworth St,
M1 6TL

Coding standards

We use HTML5 code to write our website and CSS3 to style it.


Please leave feedback if you have trouble using the Financial Support Systems website by going to our contact us section. Your feedback helps us make improvements.